Healthy Staying

Matcha Green Tea is a Superfood and Has Many Health Benefits

Matcha Green Tea is a Superfood and Has Many Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

Matcha green tea is an exotic drink that has been trending all over the globe. This is not any tea; it has a great history and health benefits.

Matcha has been a special part of Japanese culture for millennia—in tea ceremonies and daily life. At Healthy Staying, we provide the finest health-related information that professionals thoroughly check. Welcome into the world of matcha green tea and all its goodness!

What is Matcha Green Tea?

Matcha is a fine powder made from uniquely grown tea leaves where leaf veins and stems have been removed.

This type of tea originates in Japan, where it is manufactured through some special practices which differentiate this green sort from a black one.

Most tea is put in water too steep and then thrown out, but with matcha, you drink the whole leaf, which explains why there are even more nutrients in it.

The traditional Japanese tea ceremony is just another example of how matcha has been bringing us together for generations and why we give it the respect that so many individuals have given to it before us.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

1) Prevents Cancer

Matcha green tea is known to prevent cancer, as shown in several studies. Catechins are a type of antioxidant that has been shown to stop cancer cells from multiplying and spreading.

Meanwhile, other tests by medical researchers have indicated that normal intake might cause the danger of skin cancer in every body of menopausal ladies.

2) Supports Weight Loss

Hence, if you aim to lose weight, the consumption of matcha powder with green tea extracts in your diet can be a kick-ass start.

Research has shown that people who drink one cup of matcha green tea daily for 12 weeks have lost an average of about three pounds.

Remember, they did not change their diets or exercise regimens during this trial. As such, we could not determine if consuming green tea would promote weight loss on a daily basis.

3) Burns fat

One cup of matcha green tea contains only 36 calories but can aid in fat burning within the body. Matcha helps you burn calories more efficiently as it boosts a protein in your blood called adiponectin.

Adiponectin plays a role in controlling insulin, the hormone that helps your body regulate sugar and how it uses food.

Cleansing weight reduction can make you experience and appear higher, but when it comes to getting sick afterward, eating healthfully will even lower the risk of food addiction in Regina as well!

4) Lowers Cholesterol

In August 2015, a study revealed that drinking matcha green tea might help lower “bad” cholesterol—for the time being.

That might be good for your heart. However, scientists do not currently have evidence that matcha will also help with cholesterol in the long term. So they prefer to ask for advice first instead of giving it.

5) Improves memory

Matcha consumption might prevent age-related memory decline. In a 2012 study, subjects with and without cognitive impairment underwent tasks that examined their abilities to recognize visual patterns.

Otherwise, UCI jp of green tea was shown to enhance memory, or the newer age group experienced more remarkable improvement than non-drinkers regardless of differences between different orders of drinking.

Memory increased by 26 percent in the older group, compared with an increase of 11 percent in the young. Both groups also beat out those who drank no green tea at all.

6) Alkalizes the Body

Since matcha green tea comes from LEAVES, it naturally contains a high amount of alkalizing compounds that help your pH levels to be balanced.

It is generally accepted that a too-acidic or too-alkaline environment damages our health. To increase your consumption of green tea, you should try to drink 1 cup every successive day for a week.

7) Rich in Antioxidants

These are the antioxidant superheroes of your cells. They defend your body from stressors that can make you sick, such as heart disease, cancer and premature aging. Matcha Green Tea – This is a typical antioxidant.

A single cup of it contains EGCG, a powerful antioxidant that combats chronic inflammation throughout your body.

The idea is that antioxidants actually repair damage to cells, protect your DNA and stop out-of-control cell growth (a critical factor in the development of tumours).

8) Protects Liver from Damage

According to a 2014 study published in Phytotherapy Research, matcha green tea may help protect against liver damage.

The exact reason is not known, but it is said that the antioxidant potential of matcha tea may lead to its protective factors. Antioxidants are thought to neutralize free radicals in the body and prevent cell damage.

9) Strengthens Bones & Teeth

Matcha tea also contains calcium and fluoride, which have been shown to promote strong, healthy bones and teeth.

We read an animal study published in Caries Research evaluating tooth erosion from acids on rats maintained with different green tea varieties, among them one variety richer in fluoride.

Dental erosion in rats given low-fluoride green tea dropped by 1.6 times while effectively removing dental erosion by more than half (Supplementary Table S3).

10) Boosts Immune System

Combine matcha green tea’s antioxidants with its antimicrobial qualities, and you will have a pretty effective duo for maintaining health.

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at UMSOM and a longtime advocate for matcha green tea use, eating just small amounts of this type of powdered green tea can significantly enhance immune function by up to 50%.

Green Tea Matcha Effects On Your Body

Once you consume the matcha green tea, it does wonders for your body. First and foremost, it increases the efficiency of your digestive system, allowing you to take in nutrients more effectively.

You may find clearer mental focus and clarity, which will enable you to think better. It improves blood flow, which makes you more active and vital.

So these are the reasons why incorporating matcha green tea into your regular diet will ultimately lead to a healthy heart.

What Happens If I Start Drinking Matcha Tea Every Day?

Drinking matcha every day could be so beneficial! Coffee and the jitters that come with it are not from where a burst of energy will do you any good.

Regularly drinking matcha is said to make individuals more stable and healthier.

Perhaps matcha is a more mellow form of tea or coffee as it delivers an immaculate, calm energy compared to most regular teas and coffees.

The best part? So, you do not have to drink too much–a cup a day will suffice!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Matcha Green Tea

Both have good and bad aspects, and this is the case for everything (including matcha).


Antioxidant-rich: antioxidants prevent our cells from being damaged.

Improves mood and concentration: You will be in a better place mentally.

Aids in weight management: Ideal for those who are on a diet and want to get healthy.

Boots energy: Keeps you energetic all day long.


Potential overconsumption side effects: Nervous, jittery

If you are sensitive to caffeine, matcha will provide you with every cup of coffee being dead.

Cost: Matcha is often more expensive than typical teas like black, green, or white tea, but most people believe its benefits make it worthwhile.

And Can Matcha Tea Burn Belly Fat?

One of the prevalent questions many people have is, can matcha really help them lose weight, specifically regarding stubborn belly fat?

Studies have shown that matcha can also increase metabolism and help with weight loss due to a unique class of antioxidants called catechins.

You need to metabolize fats efficiently, and these help your body do just that. If you want to incorporate matcha into your weight loss practice, sip it in smoothies or as a pleasant drink.

Steps To Prepare Matcha Green Tea

Making matcha is simple! Here’s how to make it:

Ingredients: Matcha powder, hot water, whisk

Strain the Matcha: Using a small strainer, strain the powder into a bowl. This helps remove any lumps.

Use hot water: Add just a little bit of the matcha powder to your favourite cup, then pour in some specially picked-out goodness (hot H20). Your water should be 175°F (80°C) but not boiling.

Whisk away: Whisk the Matcha and water together using a bamboo whisk or regular wire whisk for a smoother consistency.

Serve: Serve the Matcha in a cup of your choice to drink hot or cold!

You can also try a variety of preparation styles, such as serving it as a matcha latte with milk or sweetening it for an added flavour profile.

Matcha Recipes to Try

There are several other great recipes you can make with matcha once you learn how to prepare it! Here are some fun recipes:

Matcha latte – whisk a small amount of match with steamed milk and sweetener for creamy comfort.

Drink matcha in a smoothie with banana, yogurt and some ice.

Matcha Green Tea Matcha brownie: Try matcha using the same idea as above with a green tea mixture for either your following cookie or even pour it into an unused cake mixOCKET DUCKtoString(hidden, iterate)

Matcha works with almost anything so that you can get creative!


Matcha green tea is a fantastic beverage which you should take advantage of. It can boost your metabolism and enhance the look of your skin, among other things. It would help if you considered incorporating matcha into your daily life.

However, remember that it is vital to select a good quality matcha before you can enjoy these benefits. At Healthy Staying, we promise to share credible and informative content that top experts in the field of health write. Then, what is waiting for you to start your matcha journey right away? Who knows, it is your new favourite beverage!