Healthy Staying

10 Reasons You Should Never Drink Coffee

10 Reasons You Should Never Drink Coffee

Coffee and tea are among the most widely consumed beverages in many parts of the world. Coffee is no exception in terms of aroma and flavour, making it a pleasant drink to have with breakfast or even just sipping throughout the day while attending to work duties. The majority of people are fond of coffee; however, some are still in doubt as they believe that it is not healthy for them, and few have a myth about its benefits. If you are a non-coffee drinker and this list does not convince you to start, well, that would be odd! Ten Alarming Warning Signs Why You Should Never Drink Coffee Again 1. Bad for your teeth You are more likely to have tooth cavities due to drinking coffee. A study shows that tooth decay can be a result of consuming too much coffee. If you already consume coffee regularly and are not seeing effects on your teeth, then go for it. Parts of coffee, if you do not drink it on the regular or have never used it, may require that history be noted before becoming accustomed to drinking more. 2. Messes with your skin We all know that coffee is a diuretic, but did you know it could hurt the skin, too? Caffeine-containing coffee leads to breakouts and room darkness of dark circles under the eyes. If you suffer from puffiness and dark rings under the eyes due to lack of sleep and the use of too much coffee, reduce your consumption or change it to decaf. Even better, opt for a decent night’s rest! 3. Creates unhealthy habits Caffeine is a destructive, addictive substance. Overconsumption of caffeine is known to result in heart palpitations, jitters, irritability and insomnia, as reported by WebMD. Caffeine traces of heavy metals like lead and cadmium build up in your system for years! I recommend eliminating coffee or any other form of caffeine for at least 2 weeks and see how much better you feel. Therefore, You MUST NOT Drink Coffee. 4. Increases anxiety levels Researchers at Brigham Young University discovered that the sympathetic nervous system can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and produce panic attacks through the intake of caffeine. As a result, your heart begins racing, and you get an adrenaline rush. High consumption of coffee increases the probability that these effects will occur, and teenagers taking moderate doses are less likely to suffer from them. But too much caffeine can also cause you to have heart problems, etc., which obviously is not particularly good for your health overall. 5. Causes premature aging Coffee, with its caffeine content, boosts blood flow in the body, and it leads to inflammation, causing premature aging. To this end, it is recommended that older folks either lay off the coffee or switch to decaf. Adults 55 and older who drink two cups of coffee a day have more than twice the risk of dying prematurely compared to those seniors who do not, but younger men could still benefit from moderate consumption. It is thought this may be related to the combination of stress and dehydration induced by caffeinated beverages. 6. Uses up sleeping hours Ingredients in coffee like caffeine and l-theanine can lead to drowsiness, which creates an impression that you need it. It makes it challenging to keep your eyes open, especially when you have class or work. Even if you drink coffee before 5 pm, it might still be challenging to stay awake past nine at night and follow a proper sleep routine. Thus, with this logic in mind, you should not be consuming other caffeine products like coffee at night for sound sleep. 7. Exacerbates Symptoms of Depression Coffee has been proven to exacerbate symptoms of depression. The Journal of Psychopharmacology has published research suggesting that caffeine can cause cognitive impairment and memory deficits in people suffering from major depressive disorder. Another study published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics found that people drinking coffee reported higher rates of depression. To further keep your mind clear and happy, avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee. 8. Unbalanced hormones: Stay Far, Baby Coffee It might sound like an obvious one, but coffee is a roller coaster of high cortisol and then massive crashing cortisol. Your adrenal glands secrete cortisol in response to stress, and it is intended as a fuel molecule when you need energy. It occurs naturally in your body when you drink coffee regularly. Still, if the shit gets out of balance, then this can cause a myriad number of problems, including obesity, depression and cancer. 1) NOT SO GOOD FOR WELLNESS! 9. Not good for people with diabetes (Coffee You Should Never Drink) This is because coffee tends to increase blood sugar levels. Although not toxic in limited intake On the other hand, if you crop up with diabetes, then it would lead to avoiding coffee being replaced as your blood sugar level is positioned exceedingly high. Conversely, suppose you are trying to lose weight and increase insulin sensitivity. In that case, coffee can be helpful because it has a protective effect on type 2 diabetes patients by reducing their resistance to insulin. Have been known to cause heart palpitations Drinking more than 400 mg of caffeine (6 cups a day) can lead to dangerously fast heart rates. Coffee should be avoided for health problems, and people taking medicines that increase blood pressure are also contraindicated. So, if you are only drinking a cup or two of Joe each day, remember to give it at least three weeks before you make any further changes in your diet plan for this food supplement to take effect on your body. If you have any heart palpitations that are not resolved, call your doctor.